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Join this newsletter if you want to keep up with me and what I’m doing. You are also welcome to follow my blog, Journeys to Democracy. I’m still figuring out how to use them differently.

I share my occasional 'Personal Political' column, plus curated information and updates around issues that matter to me, as I did with my Yahoogroup <beena-issues> that is now defunct. Sadly, I lost most of the archives. I will share here what I have found.

I also share updates around my two most recent babies born in 2021, Southasia Peace Action Network and Sapan News - info about both shared via the

. (Weekly The News on Sunday in Pakistan was my first baby).

I appreciate your feedback and support.

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Personal Political. beena-issues. Everything is connected.


Journalist, editor, filmmaker, teacher #democracy #humanrights #media #gender #peace #Nieman #Poynter #MTC